Thursday, February 9, 2023

Why Journalism?

Disclaimer: there is a very lengthy response ahead, because of course that's what a writer would do. 

Why journalism? I'd give you the simple answer of, "because I want to", but that's not good enough. We have standards here. Now, without further ado, let's dive into the complex answer. 

I've always found it essential to pay attention to current events, although due to my heavy background in the performing arts (see About Me), I found myself focusing on the entertainment industry more than anything else. I watched celebrities storm the red carpet, getting interviewed about their clothing, their lives, and their upcoming projects, and I could truly see myself giving those interviews. I grew up watching Access Hollywood and reading magazines by companies ranging from Variety to Vanity Fair while sitting in the front of a nail salon with my little sister. I didn't know any of these things were a type of journalism at the time, but looking back at when I was a kid, journalism was everywhere, and I always seemed to find it. Another example that I find ironic is that my favorite movie is The Devil Wears Prada. The main character, Andrea Sachs, is a journalist! 

Andrea Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada

Entertainment journalism aside, the news in general has interested me for as long as I could understand it. Little Reanna used to find it funny that weathermen couldn't get fired for reporting the weather wrong. Politics tended to confuse me, but they were definitely intriguing. I remember watching Trump and Clinton battle it out in 2016 and thinking about how much of a mess it was. As I witnessed more elections unfold over the years, I unknowingly began to learn the most important part of being a journalist: separating the facts from fiction. Every news channel boasted a different story, and it was hard to keep track of the truth. To this day, it still is. Now that I've gone through my early relationship with journalism, let's fast-forward to last year when I realized just how significant journalism is to me. 

My goal in my freshman year of college was to double major in both theater performance and journalism, but I was then encouraged to just choose one. I listened, choosing theater and taking a journalism course as an elective, to get a feel for what I would be missing out on. I took Human Communication, and I absolutely loved it! Professor Williams made public speaking the most fun thing ever. Taking that class alone made me wish I had chosen journalism. I kept thinking to myself, I should've been in journalism. What are you doing? Don't get me wrong. I love theater! I love acting! I even auditioned for Nickelodeon once (that's a story for another time). I just knew that I couldn't keep going down that career path. I wanted to do something different. However, I didn't end up changing my major for two years. 

Here's a funny story. Over Thanksgiving break this past fall, I completely reevaluated everything after watching the 2022 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with my family. Yes, you read that right. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, of all things, made me finally change my mind. As the balloons and every singer and dancer passed by on the tv, I couldn't help but notice the anchors on the screen when I switched over to the CBS channel. I thought to myself, this has to be a sign. What they're doing looks so fun! I want to do that! At dinner later that day, my relatives popped the age-old question, "how's college?" and I struggled to answer it. My mind had been constantly bouncing back and forth: theater, journalism, theater, journalism. I smiled and vaguely spoke about my major, telling them all that I loved it. As I watched my older cousins discuss their careers working at law firms or teaching and my younger cousin going into graphic design, I knew there was more I could be doing with my life. I came back to school a couple days later and immediately changed my major from theater performance to journalism. Those major change papers became my ticket to the greatest field of study a watcher, reader, and writer could dream of. 

Kevin Frazier and Keltie Knight hosting for CBS

I've mentioned the term writer a few times in here, so it's only right that I explain what defines me as a writer before we wrap this up. In my free time, I write songs (see About Me) and poems. They won't necessarily help me the most with journalism, but my creativity has to go somewhere! I enjoy giving presentations, writing essays, and public speaking the same way I love performing. When you take a moment to think about it, pieces of music and writing for journalism can be directly linked. Both offer a detailed story, sometimes an exposé on a subject or topic. I've made it a point to only tell the truth in my lyrics, which I believe is good practice for journalism. I wouldn't say that music has inspired me to become a journalist, but it is fair to say that music is a form of journalism. 


The cover art I designed for my single, Heartstrings 

Due to my background, my talents, and the urge to always uncover the truth, I am determined to become a journalist. That is why journalism. 

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